Strokes of Light




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The book will be launched via zoom – and you are warmly invited to join the launch here via the Facebook link.

If you do not have Facebook but are still interested, please fill in this form by 24th May 2020 and I’ll contact you with zoom info.



You can order the new book via the publisher’s website, link above.

Here’s a sample poem for you:



Are those stars walking on a million tiny feet across the pebbled beachey sky? Do they dare into the sea with its tidal pull rhythm? Their line of time is that small ridge of sand on the flats where one after another the waves unroll their spindrift prayer mats.  Watch them, these old ones, cross the wrinkled line from day to night, water to dry, surfing where their sticky toes no longer touch the wavered floor  – see them hold out their five arms and swim-wash as each rug pulls from underneath – out into open water. There, they might meet again, strung along new horizons breaking open the sky’s perforations.

After ‘Daybreak’ by Galway Kinnell


And here you can listen to Galway read his poem, which he prefaces with the anecdote about being in Australia at the Great Barrier Reef and being inspired by the sea stars there….


I have been doing a series of readings Facebook.


See you at the launch.